Let me teach you everything I know about eating and exercise, so you can be free!

Meet the teacher

Hi! I’m Sheira Kahn. I’m an eating coach and therapist. I help my courageous clients transform the relationship with food and their bodies so they can live their lives to the fullest.

As a former bulimic, I know what it’s like to feel anxiety, obsession, and despair around eating. Once I was 100% recovered, I realized that folks around me still suffered. I felt called to teach the unique tools and concepts that made the difference. This is my Eat in Peace method. Since 1999, I have served hundreds of people as a therapist and eating coach, helping them get this part of their life handled. My heart swells every time someone tells me, “This information changed my life!” I am excited to offer Eat in Peace to a wider audience — and you! To read my full story, click here. For an article summarizing my non-diet approach, click here.

My Journey to Eating in Peace

I remember from my bulimia days is how much I hated myself, and how no one seemed to have answers. I was later exposed to tools and information that helped me recover 100%. Now I love my body and eating is easy. I want eating to be easy for you, too, so I synthesized what I learned in

  • recovery

  • grad school

  • meditation school

  • workshops and

  • private practice (thank you, dear clients)

to create the Eat in Peace method. This mini course is an introduction to that work.

Our Values

  • Cooperation

    Cooperation between the body and the mind, and the different parts of the psyche, is the basis for non-compulsive eating.

  • Essence

    It is not for anyone else to say what is right for us to eat or look like. We appreciate guidelines, but the final say is between us and Truth as it comes through us.

  • Boundaries

    The Superego and Id must be taught how to function without dominating each other or the psyche.

  • Small Superego

    The Superego or Inner Critic needs to be small in order to be helpful, but it does need to be there.

  • Trust

    Trust is when all the parts inside know they will be taken care of, so they can relax. Trust is established through the practice of meditative eating and through psychological healing.

  • Nature

    Our bodies are part of nature, as miraculous as a coral reef. We believe in cultivating a respectful relationship with the nature in ourselves.


  • Eat in Peace is a program where people learn a viable alternative to the thoughts, feelings and actions of disordered eating and the diet mentality. Then they can eat the right amount of food for their bodies.

  • Yes! I offer 1:1 sessions and small groups remotely and in person. There are Eat in Peace groups for people new to the program, and support groups for people who are applying the tools at the next level. I am also available to speak to larger groups/come teach at your organization. I work nationally and internationally. Contact me for a free, 15-minute consultation and we will find out what services are best for you.

  • The semi-private groups (3 people) are $80 per person, per group. Groups are 55 minutes in length. 1:1 sessions are from $245 to $200, sliding scale. People often do a combination of both. 

  • Yes! It has been an honor to work with men and LGBTQIA2+ folks.

  • Yes. I am in the process of taking the class material I used to teach live and putting it online. New course material will come out approximately every two months. There will be a charge for the larger course material.  

  • Many people who practice the steps of Eat in Peace lose weight. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee of weight loss, which is true of any weight-loss program, including the weight-loss surgeries. 

  • In addition to a reduction in weight for many clients, people report higher self-acceptance, less obsessive thinking, and fewer episodes of overeating and restricting.